Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No internet access problem....

jlan-jlan bjmpa Tohai,,
Tohai mmndu bsama Ana,,
ape guna rumah ad wifi,,
tp lappy tak bole nk guna...


korang ade masalah ni??
internet x boleh guna,,
tp dah "Connected"...
"No internet access"...
ataupun anda sedang mngalami masalah ni??

jgn risau...
dun worry....
ade jln nye...
it'll fix this type of problem...
sy pon selalu dpt problem ni...
sbb nye:
1-router rumah tuka sbb kne smbar petir
2-lappy format

ok,,this is the instruction...
korg yg ade problem ni,,follow j ni...
slame aku follow instruction ni,,
tak pnah fail..

1st-Go to "Wireless Network Connection Status" and select "Properties"

2nd-Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

3rd-then,,tkan "Properties"
4th-Select "Use the following IP address:" option and set this ips
subnet mask=
default gateway = your router ip address such as nye ad kt bwh router)
5th-From second section select "Use the following DNS server addresses:"
set "PreferAlternate DNS server:" (no ip router,cnth:
6th-tkan "Ok" and try to connect lan then wireless..and poff!!da bole online.. :)

try lah,,
sy da try and success.. :)

sy guna windows 7 home prem
happy bday utk kwn sy Eout Lv nma fb de....bday de yg k-22 hri ni.. :)

ok lah,,sekian shja..
inilah sdkit pngtahuan utk dikongsi..
hrp dpt bntu anda.. :)


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